“Get up and walk” Jesus Christ
Let’s expect miracles and be thankful when they come.
That’s my interpretation of the Heavens as we are approaching 1- the Equinox (Sun shifting into the first sign of the zodiac Aries, new beginnings), 2- the full moon conjunct Chiron, both on March 20/21, and 3- the Sun conjunct Chiron on March 22. Chiron is the archetype of the wounded healer.
Our spiritual guides are right here, at our side, always, but we don’t ask, so they can’t deliver. That is because they are respectful of our free will. We always have what we need, if we believe it and if we ask for it and trust that our prayer is answered, in that moment! While asking, we must already feel the joy or peace of being in the new emotional state that matches the answer to our prayer.
The time it takes between our asking and receiving the blessing is the time it takes us to stop all mental resistance. I am still working on this, it ‘ain’t easy’ and at the same time it is! That is precisely the thing; we refuse to believe that what we want is possible now. So we prevent it from happening and find a million excuses to justify and stay on the lower vibration.
It’s time to embrace our faith fully, have conviction and “get up and walk.” Even though, symbolically, we are handicapped, we must have 100% confidence that we can still walk as if we had well functioning legs. We need to follow through with action and “get up and walk”. As simple as that. Perhaps our perception that ‘we have no legs’ prevents us from healing instantly or progressively toward full wellness? Perhaps our limited beliefs prevent us from mending at all?
The time has come to practice “Faith moves mountains.” The moment has come to make it priority #1, no matter what we do in life, to raise our frequency. That is, in principle, easy to do: Let’s stop judging! I am not pretending to be there, I am just saying this is the way, the solution. It’s up to us to practice. On The Path, at our current level of consciousness, we are doing the best we know how.
The Universe and planet Earth can’t wait any longer for Human Kind to grow up! We must wake up! We must start learning, understanding and integrating the Universal laws of Expansion, Entanglement, and Mirroring or law of Attraction, all based on Non Judgement. The purpose is TO HEAL.
Expansion: Love, growth, abundance. This Cosmic principle is at play, whether we agree or not, the Universe is expanding. It is up to us to be in the flow of ever providing energy.
Entanglement: Everything is connected and responding to each other’s vibration, humans, animals, plants and minerals. Everything is linked. We are all One.
Mirroring: the reality we perceive on the outside is a reflection of our way of being on the inside, of our internal dynamics and thoughts. “As above so below”. The infinitely large is the same as the infinitely small. I am thinking about Mathematical Fractal patterns, Quantum Physics and Biology. We may observe the Duality (Judgement which creates Separation) all around us but we can choose Unity, Compassion, Faith and Gratitude.
Law of attraction: Whatever we think we attract. There is duality, no judgement to be had here about it, it just is: Yin and Yang. Good and bad. Dark and Light. If we fear something, we’ll attract it. If we do not want a situation and speak of lack, that is what we’ll get. We manifest what we spend the most time thinking about. Once we start observing our thoughts, we’ll begin noticing how incredibly negative our thought patterns are and our default mode is. The purer our thoughts, the more we may participate in the Expansion, the Love and Light energy.
The remedies to heal from fear that create contraction and pain, are: COMPASSION toward Self and others and GRATITUDE. When we are grateful, we find something positive to focus on, we accept, we welcome flow and constructive energy starts poring in.
Christ created miracles. My understanding is that he provided a Sacred space and time of extremely high vibration, where the one receiving the cure finally let go of their belief that they were crippled, when in the Presence of Jesus Christ. They, in that instant, trusted that they were saved, so they were. We all can do the same. Let’s, together, start raising our resonance. Let’s Self-respect, we deserve better!
Thank you. I choose to smile. All my love, Corinne Cévaër-Corey
Ethical Astrologer and founder of CorAwakening