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Peter and Madi, A Greek Melodrama On "The Bachelor"!

This love story is straight out of Greek mythology! As soon as I got a bit familiar with the characters participating in the latest Reality TV show The Bachelor, I felt it inevitable that Peter Weber and Madison Prewett would end up together… somehow… despite all obstacles… now and long term, after many more hiccups…

In short term real life, they did end up together on the Bachelor Finale! The last time the show aired, Peter and Madison announced they were going to give their couple a chance. This was even after all the following dramatic events that had occurred in a span of two to three months:

  1. Three months earlier, Madison left the show before the end, to go home, because she felt Peter had not shown enough commitment to her a week prior to their potential engagement

  2. Peter then proposed to the other young lady he thought he was in love with, but

  3. He ended up regretting his decision and broke up his engagement because he realized that his feelings for Madi were stronger!

  4. The show organized a reunion of the two love birds and they confirmed their love for each other

However, the night of the live Finale, Peter’s parents, who were present, voiced their strong disapproval. Peter and Madi left the show separately from his parents, but Madison must have broken it off the next day or two, considering the extreme hostility she received from Peter’s mother on national TV. It makes sense that they parted ways shortly thereafter due to insurmountable pressure from Peter’s family, who did not agree at all with his choice. Perhaps, their love story has not ended? Let’s see what happens long term? Madison is not meant to commit to marriage until she approaches her Saturn return, four years from now, so this love story was premature. Nevertheless, it played out.

Even though they are not currently dating, they still both embody the love story between Hades, the God of the Underworld and Persephone, the pure, sweet daughter of God Zeus and Goddess Demeter, the great nurturer. Demeter, also named Ceres is Goddess of agriculture, natural cycles of death and re-birth (seasons) and of abundance and fertility.

On one of the rare days he left the Underworld, Hades fell in love with beautiful, innocent Persephone, also known as Kore (maiden), when he saw her picking flowers in a meadow. He then pursued her and abducted her to his kingdom beneath the Earth. He stole her virginity and made her his wife. She later became the Queen of the Underworld.

Did Madison eat the pomegranate seeds? Yes! How could she escape her destiny? She succumbed to the charm of Peter, infamous for having had sex four times in a windmill with the previous Bachelorette! Not only that, but he could not resist being intimate with other girls one week before proposing to the love of his life, Madison! He is the embodiment of Hades. Madison clearly represents the virgin Persephone. She even warned Peter that, if he knew he loved her, it would compromise their relationship if he still made love to other ladies so close to their potential engagement. Still, Kore (Madi) had a taste of the pomegranate seeds “down under” (literally!), in Lord Hades’ symbolic underworld, and therefore could not go back to her mother or family and ignore her falling in love with Hades (Peter). For the ones who don’t know, the last part of the show was set in “down under” Australia!

In real life, Madison would actually bring Peter to the light! In the myth, she actually ends up spending only part time with her husband, whom she loves very much, and the rest of the year with her mother. As the stories goes, Ceres was so distraught to have lost her beloved Kore, that she stopped tending the Earth, and it became barren. Zeus could not have it and had to strike a deal with his brother Hades to let his wife spend part of the year with her now happy mother, hence the joyful seasons of spring and summer months.

I was very curious to see if both Peter and Madison’s birth charts had strong Pluto themes and perhaps even a highlighted Hades or Ceres astroid in their natal chart? I also wanted to do compatibility work to see if they had astrological chemistry? I could only find their birthday online and no one messaged me back their birth information despite several requests…. I was missing the critical birth time (and place). Not easily deterred, I spent hours rectifying their birth charts based on my observations from the show. I am very happy with the result, but regardless of time, they both fit the astrological characteristics I was expecting and more!

Madi opened a Pandora’s box or ate the pomegranate seeds when she decided to join the show.  Based on my interpretation of her chart, she was attracted to a social and travel adventure. Instead she ended up on an unexpected love journey, which is perhaps not over…

Peter is a Leo, Madison is an Aries. Both have Moon in mental, indecisive but adaptable Gemini, who loves people and movement. They are both warm fiery personalities. They are both generous, passionate and idealistic. He is romantic and wants to be the prince in shining armor. She’s more idealistic in the sense that she wishes to pursue a worthy cause, work on altruistic projects.

His Venus Mars conjunction makes him want to satisfy his desires selfishly, as in having the cake and eat it too. He did plenty of that on the show as recounted earlier! With a Mars Venus Mercury conjunction, he may not see others’ perspectives. As a Leo Sun shining all his light on others, making them feel special, he nevertheless needs to be the focus and center of attention. He got what he was looking for in the role of The Bachelor! Still, his Moon in his 7th house compensates in that he feels his partners’ emotions deeply. He also needs to be attached and supported emotionally by family and/or a girlfriend. One of his life lessons is to learn to stand on his own two feet emotionally, to find his security in himself, to avoid developing co-dependent relationships with family and/or life partners.

Madison is a pure innocent idealistic maiden but at the same time, she is a warrior who knows what she wants. I see that in her group of planets (stellium) in Aries in her 3 rd house. She has a clear vision of who she is and wants to be. She knows her values.

Peter thinks unconsciously that he is the prince charming who will rescue princess Madi. In truth, she doesn’t need any rescuing. She will not compromise her principles. She is too righteous and spiritual and has too strong a core for that. Remember, she is Kore (Core). She also has too strong of a Saturn to make concessions. Madison has a powerful stellium of Saturn Mars Mercury Sun Nodes. She is a force to be reckoned with, clearly a fighter on a mission.

All the Saturn activity in her chart tells me Madi is a late bloomer. Her Saturn is conjunct Mars Mercury Sun and she is Capricorn rising, her entire chart is ruled by Saturn! She was right to go on the adventure for the traveling part but shouldn’t have been on a love related show. I am not sure she’s meant to get committed and married until her Saturn return, which is around age 29. However, she may be meant to experience her fundamental emotional needs not being met at first (Moon opposite Pluto) until she matures into a formidably strong lady, in touch with her profound emotions and secure in her intuition. Only then, will she demand from her entourage that her basic needs be met!

While a young adult, until she becomes a mother herself and even beyond, she may unconsciously be under her family and mother’s influence. Slowly but surely, as she will mature and learn to say no. She will learn to confidently and respectfully position herself and take the risk to be at odds with her family and/or mother. This psychological pattern is deeply rooted in her unconscious. She may not be aware today to which extent she is playing the role of the perfect daughter. She secures feeling safe at home and in her close environment by following spoken and/or unspoken guidance. With Moon opposed Pluto, she cannot afford being truly emotionally independent yet, as that feels threatening, dangerous. There is a buried fear of abandonment and/or loss. Perhaps that is why she was drawn to be a foster parent recruiter, working with abandoned children. We often are attracted to professions that heal us a profound level.

Peter has Moon square Venus which is the Madonna-whore complex. I can see how this signature has explained his playful, cavalier attitude so far and how he may, once engaged, be a 100% committed and devoted to his future wife. After-all, his Moon is in the house of marriage and wife.

Persephone ends up spending half the time with her husband, Lord Hades and half the time with her mother, in the Light. Symbolically Madi is torn between husband and family. Her father personifies the strong authoritative but benevolent and protective father figure. Her Pluto rules her MC, is the highest elevated planet in her chart and is trining her Sun, which represents her father and husband. Madi could trade an influential and powerful father figure with a husband she may grow to perceive as too dominant and controlling? Let’s be reminded that she is an Aries free spirit.

Madison has Moon opposite Pluto as explained earlier. In addition, her Moon is exactly opposed astroid Ceres and conjunct Hades! I could not believe this when I cast the chart! Madison is extremely close to her family, mother, sisters and any girlfriends she considers family. It’ll take time for her to grow into her true self as a mature woman. Eventually, she will leave the nest and embark on her own journey, which may (or not) imitate some aspects of the Hades and Persephone myth. If I have the correct chart, and that is a big IF, Madison is the embodiment of the Pluto/Hades/Ceres/Persephone archetypes.

Again, if I have the correct horoscope for Peter, he has Sun square Pluto. He has Moon conjunct Hades square Mars Venus Mercury. He too is a living symbol of the myth.

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Thank you.  I choose to smile.  All my love, Corinne Cévaër-Corey 

Relationship Astrologer and founder of CorAwakening