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The World Is Transforming, Resisting At First, But Changing... For A Better Future

I am being asked to write about the current cosmic influences. Lately, I haven’t felt that I would contribute because I already said all I wished to share in my Mar 18 “Where is the Light? My take on our 2020 world” and Apr 1 “Abundance, Do We Truly Understand Its Meaning?” blogs. I also brushed upon the present eclipse portal and other influences in my Jun 9 "Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It, Because It Does!" blog.

However, I am honoring this request as indeed, I find it difficult these days to stay emotionally serene. Considering the cosmic circumstances, perhaps it would help other hypersensitive persons to know that our intense yo-yoing emotional state is normal? Right now, it is standard to swing between feeling safe and feeling threatened. Some of us are feeling tired, low, down and/or scared. I always say, let’s not blame the planets for anything; we are the ones who put ourselves in resonance with the symbolic influences. However, for some, the July 4-5 Capricorn lunar eclipse may represent heaviness, sadness, disconnect, loss and/or mourning. It may also signify accomplishment, visibility, promotion, reaping the fruit of our labor. Despite the good news, the joy of seeing the result of our disciplined sustained efforts may be coupled with feeling stretched and overwhelmed. At the bottom of the blog, I have given short descriptions of the Cancer and Capricorn vibrations that we can use to elucidate and give meaning to our crazed emotions and events.

Nowadays, it is very important not to underestimate to which extent external occurrences are triggering deep thirst to heal further from past traumatic experiences involving symbolic or literal death/loss. At times, when we are running forward and keeping ourselves too busy in our outer life, we may provoke an injury. The body would then be telling us that we must slow down and take time to process, mourn, nurture ourselves. Many of us are too occupied taking care of others and think we have no other choice, but let’s remember that the oxygen mask goes on the face of the parents before they can attend to their children. The death or loss may be of people, animals, the place we call home, ideals, projects, things etc. We may also be missing, eventhough we have not permanently lost. Right now the perceptions of separation and suffering caused by the lack of togetherness are heightened.

We are in between the second June 21, very potent solstice Cancer solar eclipse and the final one (of three consecutive eclipses), absorbing the magnified vibes from both eclipses. Let’s remember that during such a time, it is normal to feel like it’s a full moon everyday! When I sense my sinking into emotions that I do not like, I remind myself that “that too shall pass”, and I’ll feel better overall when the eclipses’ high frequency will subside by around July 20, 2020. While being sandwiched between two eclipses, it’s a good time to be aware that we need rest and to nurture ourselves. One Cancer/Capricorn spiritual lesson is: learning to care for self and others, and learning to receive care from others. Accepting to be heard, seen, valued, appreciated, nurtured and loved unconditionally is difficult for many. That is especially true for people with Moon or Venus in Capricorn in their birth chart. In our societies, we can observe the tension at play involving the subject of caring, who to care for, how, when, where etc.

Eclipses in Cancer/Capricorn also exacerbate the debates about security versus freedom and “business as usual”. I am referring to the giving up of personal freedoms to tech giants through our contact tracing phone applications, in the name of safety. It goes without saying that the main discourse and conflicts across the world are about whether to quarantine (Cancer-home) or open up the economy (Capricorn-business interests, work, employment). On the universal stage, geographically, socially, racially, politically, economically, religiously etc., are we afraid and closing borders (Capricorn/Saturn)? Or are we confident and releasing limitations and opening barriers?

This is the last series of eclipses in Cancer/Capricorn that began in July 2018. On a personal level, we are seeing the culmination of a two year phase of our life where we may have been searching for our rightful mission, path, career, vocation. We have been looking for our proper place in the world, where we could best contribute to society. We have been asking questions like: where do I come from, where are my roots, who is my tribe, what represents home, with whom and where do I belong? And where am I going, what is my role in the community and on this planet? Why am I here and how will I best assist and give back? What is my calling? With a strong influence of Neptune (mid to end of June) and of Venus (stationed June 24-25 but still relevant until July 29), we wish to be inspired and/or to express our creativity at work. We are pulled to re-evaluate our current position and find the space that will promote our blossoming and feeling fulfilled.

All astrological information is useful to explain context and evolution of societal themes and crises. I choose not to illustrate in too much detail and prefer to give you the gist of what I come up with. So much is going on in the sky this year! Please, trust that I am taking all of it into account to formulate my interpretations. I am looking at all retrogrades (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn). In 2020, many more than usual inner planets, together with social planets, are retrograding. In one sentence, all those retrogrades are asking us to re-examine and re-evaluate… everything! Since all of them are active this year, we have much introspection to do personally and globally. It’s time to ask questions and look within, and stop choosing the myriad of comforting great escapes. Just to name one major event that will have facilitated this: quarantine. Even if we are not confined at home, the general atmosphere is conducive to reflection, self-examination and soul searching.

I always pay attention to planetary stations, for example, Neptune the last two weeks of June 2020, is exacerbating fright, doubt, anxiety due to lack of clarity and totally confusing messages from the media, authorities and leadership, in all countries! There is every opinion, on everything, including from the experts who are hostile to each other, leaving the ones who have no time or capacity to research on their own, feeling overwhelmed and in despair. I keep in mind the outer planetary patterns (Saturn-Pluto Jan 12, 2020), Jupiter-Pluto this year (exact conjunctions Apr 4, Jun 30, Nov 12, 2020), Saturn-Uranus next year and more. It is crucial to know those critical degrees and observe when they are triggered by inner planets in motion or stations or lunations.

I also notice the ingresses of planets, meaning what signs they are navigating in and when. For example, Saturn traveling from Capricorn to Aquarius (Mar 21-22, 2020), back to Capricorn (June 30-July 1, 2020) and back into Aquarius (Dec 16-17, 2020). To me, this indicates that we may witness more large social unrest and the emergence of empowered hashtags due to more dramatic emotional events and circumstantial upheavals. New social movements may surface late 2020 and into 2021. Saturn in Aquarius is all about establishing new institutions that will monitor social justice and for the common good. This latest #blacklivesmatter resurgence echoed worldwide was triggered by the eclipses.

In normal years we witness four eclipses. In 2020, if we count the Dec 25, 2019 solar eclipse (paired up with the Jan 10, 2020 lunar eclipse), we have eight! Eclipses stir up energy, increase the amplitude of emotions, trigger events, and definitively prevent us from shoving issues under the carpet. We cannot hide, internal and external problems come to the light to be addressed and dealt with. Eclipses will not tolerate our avoiding to look at what requires to be resolved, personally and at the collective level. A lot of growth occurs thanks to eclipses. For details, see blogs highlighted above. All I’ll say right now is that the current eclipse period started around May 22 and will end around July 20, 2020. Inevitably, the intensity of the global health catastrophe will tapper off starting the third week of July.

About the Coronavirus, of course I could be wrong, but for our wellbeing sake, I hope not. I feel confident that the worst damage incurred from this specific Covid-19 virus, which appeared in Wuhan, China, late 2019, will be done by late July 2020. I am not talking about potential new variations of it or other strands of viruses. I am hopeful that effective therapeutics will have been found and used successfully to cure and curb the pandemic. In truth, good treatments already exist, if patients get diagnosed and treated early. I am hoping that as of the last week of July, the true experts, all around our planet, who have valiantly been speaking up, finally get recognized for their “savoir faire” and their saving countless lives. I am optimistic that well intentioned practicing doctors with drug combination protocols that have produced results will prevail over ideological, political and financial pushback? I pray the eclipses stir up courage in David vs. Goliath to expose the grave dis-functioning within large national and international institutions and governments that is largely to blame for the devastation. The eclipses may put the spotlight on ubiquitous conflicts of interests and lack of transparency thereof, that catapulted this pandemic management failure. I explained my astrological reasoning for the late July date in my Mar 18 “Where is the Light? My take on our 2020 world” blog and am holding to that diagnosis.

A friend asked: “Your predictions in past March & April blogs, do they still stand true given the global shift?” First, I do not wish to “predict”. I am simply expressing my in the moment analysis of the complexity of archetypes at play in the sky in 2020. That translation can evolve as my understanding of the energetic symbols shifts. Second, my answer is yes! So she asked: “So you perceive that all of this is for the better for us all as a collective, given the economic changes producing so much pain?” To this, pointing to the epidemic, I also am of the opinion that yes, unfortunately, yes, because, we humans are champions in resisting change. It takes crisis upon crisis before we are willing to transform obsolete systems.

My view is completely apolitical. I am for transparency, democracy (ideally the ruling by the people for the people) and a humanitarian course of action to collectively cohabitate in the spirit of abundance for all on our beautiful planet. I mean by humanitarian, being tolerant of differences among humans (race, gender, beliefs) and also with all other species, animals, plants and minerals. Life was created to CoExist. It’s time to have the courage to review our old ways and admit to having been part of the problem. Let’s now accept to having been wrong and start on a new path as soon as we see a possibility of engagement toward feeding the energy of Love. Ultimately everything we think and do or don’t do (not acting is also a choice) is either anchored in fear (lack mentality) or Love (abundance mindset).

I do not know anyone who is not affected negatively, one way or another, by the pandemic or its social, economic and political consequences. Before that, many of us were hurt by natural disasters, wars, terrorism and other disturbing and/or violent events. Despite my not being spared, I remain optimistic in my assessment of the dire global situation. Many of us have lost a way of life where we felt relatively free and safe. We are afraid that physical, material, economic, political, religious, but also social, emotional, mental and intellectual liberty and security are gone. However, this is only a perception because we, as humans, abhor disruption. In truth, the solutions are already here, we just have not manifested them yet. Personally, my faith that the good will prevail, helps. We will be fine. We will succeed in leaving a healthy planet to our kids.

The precondition to leaving Gaia a better place is to become wholesome beings. To manifest our true potential, we need to be connected to Heart within and around us. Once we are aligned with our purpose, we will be fine on the outside. Now, we are first working on being fine on the inside, so we attract abundance and wellness on the outside. Faith is about knowing that the prayer is already answered, it is already done. There is just a time lapse in the external manifestation. Trust is about knowing that we are protected, no matter what, if we participate in the Energy of Love.

So I say yes to my friends and family’s questions mentioned above. Yes, at a collective level in 2020/21, the abscesses are being pierced in the old paradigm, for a better future. I hate that suffering seems to be a premise to transformation, but I choose to see all the good in the bad, in my own life and globally. The multiple atrocities and various calamities experienced internationally are necessary evils that put the spotlight on grave incoherences, conflicts of interest and severe malfunctioning of obsolete systems throughout our societies.

In healthcare in particular, I look forward to a comprehensive reinvention from scratch, in all countries, no exception, because I have in mind the breakdown and rebuilding of the foundation on which modern medicine is built. Call me an idealist, so be it, I prefer it this way :-) In addition, both medical research and care have been in great part influenced or controlled directly or indirectly by the pharmaceutical industry and its powerful lobbies. Over the last many years, Big Pharma has increasingly infiltrated the health infrastructure in most nations, from medical school all the way to the patient. The whole system must be torn down and reorganized. 

Thank goodness many scientists and experts are leading the way in denouncing the wrongs that are being done and moving consciousness toward improvement and change. Many look for answers in observing Mother Nature. She is teaching us that all is energy and interlinked and that humans ought to be respectful.

I am staying firmly optimistic, while acknowledging that the difficult ride is far from over. When I am not truly living from my core/heart, I swing back and forth, from fear to confidence again... When I center, each time my strength gets stronger and the doubt weaker...  Life is simultaneously a challenge and a blessing. Sometimes, I only see the hurdles and get anxious but always receive the help that I need to come back up for air. I then can see all the blessings that in turn I can feel grateful for. 

I end today with giving us a few basics to enhance our last chance for a while, to work on and/or understand the Cancer/Capricorn themes. For much more thorough interpretation, please read my Mar 18 “Where is the Light? My take on our 2020 world” blog. We are now in the last eclipse cycle in the signs of Cancer/Capricorn. We will not revisit those patterns via eclipses until eight years from now. Two weeks before and after June 21, we are learning spiritual lessons or reorganizing our lives in relationship with the following general topics of Cancer (ruled by the Moon) and Capricorn (ruled by Saturn):


  • Feelings, emotions on a rollercoaster. Intimacy.

  • Water, oceans, seas, lakes, rivers.

  • Family. Appreciation of, connection to, belonging to family.

  • Security, safety on personal, national, or global level.

  • The concepts of home, country, nation, nationalism. 

  • Women. Being a woman, wife, mother, daughter of…

  • Mother. Emotional nurturing. Caring, by extension all caring professions (health, education)

  • Nourishing. Food, by extension restaurants, agriculture, farming and nature. Sustainable of not.

  • The notions of protection and caring.

  • Social gathering and meeting via video conferences.


  • Responsibility. The buck stops here. Ownership. Take charge.

  • Father, father figure. Leader, authority, expert. Wise old man, sage.

  • Work, career. Mission, most public expression of one’s gifts. Legacy

  • Social role and status, legal, civil (married, divorced etc.), economic…

  • High places. Governments, ruling institutions. Mountains.

  • Large organizations, corporations, multinationals.

  • Separating, walls, borders, barriers, ostracizing, excluding. The idea of division, closing, shutting and othering.

  • Passage of time, delays, old, aging, weak but wise, mature.

  • Sadness, melancholy, regret of the past, feeling cut off. Separation, loss.

  • Hardship, struggles, obstacles, danger, fear.

  • Foundation, base, support, infrastructure. Results from hard work and discipline.

  • Working remotely, physical distancing and isolating.

Sometimes, it is hard for non astrologers to see how and where this applies in our daily lives. People working with symbols are so used to seeing the archetypes at play everywhere :-) To conclude on a happy note, I will illustrate with one example. As a positive ripple effect of Covid-19, our oldest son came home (Cancer) to California (Cancer, we live by the ocean) from New York (US epicenter of the scare/Capricorn). How heart warming (Cancer) it was that he could work (Capricorn) remotely (Capricorn) and escape to safety (Cancer) to a welcoming family (Cancer). Our family was reunited (Cancer).

E-mail me at to receive advice in a private session, I’d love it!

Thank you.  I choose to smile.  All my love, Corinne Cévaër-Corey 

Astrologer and founder of CorAwakening