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"You do not attract what you want, you attract what you are." Dr. Wayne Dyer

Why this photo and why now? Now especially because we need to stay firmly planted and elevate our gaze and thoughts up to the Light. Trees are an excellent metaphor here, with deep roots, a solid trunk, flexible branches but always growing toward the Light.

Are we experiencing heaviness, pressure, anxiety or fatigue? Is too much going on? If so, it is normal to feel overwhelmed right now. Let’s not worry as we will be better by the end of the week, especially after the nourishing Taurus New Moon of May 4. It will help release and move the energy forward. However, not yet, we are still resonating with the Pluto station of April 24 and the Saturn station of April 29. Last week and this week, not one but two major archetypal energies are pushing and pulling. One trigger is usually plenty! So, no matter what is happening in our life, now is a very appropriate time to engage in all activities we know that help with grounding. In addition, we must look up, physically and figuratively. See footnote for a quick reminder of some tools that work.

I spoke of Pluto in the last post so I am here writing about Saturn. We may feel tremendous pressure to manifest, to deliver, because Saturn is about tangible form. However, we must remind ourselves not to put the cart before the horse and respect the natural pace of things. We need to be ok with taking baby steps to alleviate the angst.

The strong energy of Saturn helps if we wish to be patient and disciplined, work hard, focus in order to build and accomplish goals. We may also feel oppressed or fearful that we won't measure up. It is in those times that we must trust that we have the expertise required. We have worked for it and Saturn is here to support us to set the foundation and prove ourselves that we are good enough. Saturn helps us reap what we have sown. It is precisely now that we should release our Light.

During a Saturn influence, we could be sad, upset or disappointed. We could feel frustrated by delays and obstacles. If so, let’s decide to change our present situation. Perhaps we are being guided to shift path, make adjustments that will steer us to where we belong, in a place of flow and ease, surrounded by the right people. 

If we are just in a bad mood or tired, let’s tell ourselves: that too shall pass... We could have chronic health problems flaring up temporarily during this period of high stress. The strenuous intense energy will lighten up as we move into the following week, after May 4.

With Saturn aiding, we may see more clearly where we must set boundaries and move on. If still enmeshed in a Pluto dilemma (see last post), Saturn may be our supportive friend as it helps us set limits and position ourselves firmly, without feeling guilty.

The quote I chose in the title is key to address Saturn issues in a more mature way. We could settle for fear and attract exactly what we are afraid of or… Let’s not, we are better than that. We do have the freedom to choose what we attract in our life. We do so by adopting the emotional state we wish to be in, the feeling we would have after having gotten what we desire. In the present moment, we have the freedom to choose the emotional state we wish to be in but not the form of the the final outcome.

Before we draw in something (form), we need to be at the vibrational match to it (state). To be on that frequency, we may use our Heart and feel the state of joy, security, abundance, appreciation, wellness, whatever it might be that we want. Only then, will we be able to pull in our wishes in their highest form. Let’s also allow the Divine Surplus to manifest; we will end up with a better situation than the one we originally thought we wanted.

For exemple, to attract:

  • good health (form), we need to practice being grateful for all the parts of us that are already healthy, and over time, the rest of our cells will heal.

  • a lover (form), we need to respect and appreciate Self first (emotional state) before we can attract the person with whom we will be able to share our personal notion of an ideal love.

  • money (form), we need to feel in a state of flow and abundance first.  So let’s be thankful for the myriads of things that already provide wealth in our life and then we will bring in a form that will give us a sense of material security, if that is the emotional state we wish to be in.

  • a fulfilling job (form), we may speak enthusiastically about who we are and the potential of our expertise.  No need to talk about a present reality which may not be satisfactory, because mentioning lack keeps us on a lower vibration and prevents us from inviting a new condition that will meet all our needs, desires and more.

If we want a situation, someone or something very much, let’s first identify what emotional states we are seeking through those. How do we want to feel if we had what we want? Let’s then allow Life to provide the form (circumstance, object, people) that is exactly aligned with the way we want to feel. If we fixate on obtaining the form that, we think, will fulfill our desired state of being, we may not find satisfaction because the form itself may be the wrong one or fall short of our expectations. If we focus on the emotions we want to feel, we'll attract the situations, persons and material things that will match them.

“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” Confucius


Some of us are in pain, some days feel dark and heavy (and we have not even yet opened the news!). Some days feel light and full of vitality. Some of this may be due to inner life and outer life events, but also weather, solar flares activity, and our Cosmic weather (planet stations in our case today). It is what it is… and we “weather” through it the best we can. Here are some broad practical tips, in no particular order:

  • drinking lots of water

  • eating healthy

  • exercising

  • conscious slow breathing (slow deep breaths calm the racing mind)

  • smiling (triggers the flow of happy hormones in our body)

  • yawning (yawning rejuvenates our brain for a few seconds, gives it a rest by oxygenating it) and sighing

  • resting, taking a break from from the “shoulds”

  • having a glass of wine

  • talking with a good friend who does not judge

  • smelling calming essential oils or wonderful natural fragrances

  • going for a walk in nature

  • caressing your pet

  • feeling grateful for something…

  • Taking power poses helps strengthen self-estime and gives confidence.

Power poses are: hands on your hips with feet well planted on the floor, the “victory” (arms in the air) or “Yes!” positions, open movements, stretches and looking up.

We all know how to take good care of ourselves but a reminder cannot hurt.

Thank you.  I choose to smile.  All my love, Corinne Cévaër-Corey 

Ethical Astrologer and founder of CorAwakening