to my Soul Centered Astrology Counseling for well being and loving relationships.
Happy Clients
Corinne is one of the best Psychological Astrologers out there. She works with you to really dig into the planetary influences and see how best to use them in your life; how to apply the awareness of these influences to really help you move through whatever challenges you are facing or whatever goals you are working to realize. She knows the Cosmos, she knows human nature, and blending this wisdom with her loving intuition, she can guide you in ways that other counselors, coaches, and readers do not. Over many years of enjoying Corinne’s guidance, I can say, unequivocally, that she has helped me through tough times with information that was so spot on and accurate, that I can’t imagine how the experiences would have turned out if she wasn’t there guiding me and helping me see understand how the planets influence us.
Corinne is truly a Light and works from passion to help and improve life. Try a session with her, you will not be disappointed and will likely come away brighter and lighter for doing so.
— Dr. H., PhD, Psychologist from CA, USA
Corinne Cevaer-Corey is most assuredly the best Astrology Counselor I have ever known. I have been a client of hers for over 20 years, and cannot imagine navigating the various challenges of my life without her valuable and skilled insight. She can assist in digging into your purpose and coming to know yourself better. She will guide you in answering some of the most important questions about yourself and whatever challenges you face. She will help you to see clearly your strengths and frailties; and help you find the tools to make yourself even stronger and to turn your weaknesses into brilliance. Corinne’s guidance can serve you greatly on the path of self-evolution and growth and will make you see that some of what you face on a daily basis is influenced greatly by the movement and placement of the planets. Her work for us is a tremendous tool for making the most out of life on the levels of body, mind, and Spirit.
As a therapist and counselor myself, I have referred her many people over the years, who all agree that she is a great gift. If you are committed to self-awareness and growth into your greatest self, then working with Corinne will help you and make your path much easier.
— B., MA in Metaphysics, MA in Pastoral counseling, Interfaith Minister and Spiritual Counselor, from IL, USA.
I really enjoyed my past private sessions, it really helped me, my sons and the family to know better what we are good at, what is important for each of us at work and in private life. It also helps teenager and young adults to find the field where they can get in full bloom.
When times are uncertain, what Corinne told be clarified the situation, the decisions to make or not to make because it was or wasn't the right time.
A private session doesn't predict what will happen, you don't loose your free choice, you obtain illumination and it deeply made me more secure.
Sometimes, just to hear what you already know from the mouth of someone else is what you need to get clarity.
I strongly recommend private sessions for anyone including the kids, the couple, to know oneself and other members of the family, in order to respect human beings in their diversity.
This deep comprehension is priceless. The amount paid for a private session is worth it, trust me !
Thank you Corinne for sharing your help !
— O., Professor in Communication and Communication Strategy Consultant, from New Caledonia, South Pacific
Corinne was able to provide extremely valuable insights regarding my psychological inner dynamics. She used my astrological chart as a tool for interpretation of events and relationships in my life and brought great clarity to my vision of past and present. Her years of study and experience show not only in her ability to interpret people and situations but in her wonderful skill and empathy as a counselor.
— Dr. C., PhD from NYU, NY, from Chile
Corinne is one of the best and the most energetic therapists out there that I have consulted so far. She's a very compassionate and empathetic soul. Unlike your conventional psychologists, Corinne combines the best of 3 worlds - astrology, psychology, and spirituality - to deliver results in a unique way. I have always felt energised and refreshed in all my sessions with her!!!
— B. from Pakistan
I highly recommend Corinne.
She is very knowledgeable, thorough and empathetic.
Corinne is a caring, compassionate and thoughtful counselor that has impacted many lives.
— Dr. R., MD, PhD, Psychiatrist from CA, USA
I learned a lot by working with Corinne on my astrological charts. Her ability to use my personality, past experiences and my present endeavors to arrive at a better understanding of my future path was accurate and truly helpful. I love the clarity and diverse ranges she brings to her work. Her honesty and dedication to delivering value and insight into her reading of my charts – while making it easy for me to understand - has built a bridge of real trust. I know Corinne will always bring me reality and genuine value. Working with her is a sure road to a long-term relationship of trust and value.
— A. from Denmark
Thanks for the great information. This is so exactly the energy of what is going on, not only with me but for others I have spoken with. You explain it beautifully and what lovely wisdom. Thank you again for your Light!!
— M. from NY, USA
Corinne Cevaer-Corey is now sharing her astrological insights on Facebook. She knows her stuff and has a very positive perspective. "Like" her page if you would like updates!
— L. from CA, USA
Corinne, if I did not know you so well and have seen first-hand the positive impacts of the many gifts God has given you, I might be skeptical. But I truly believe that you have special I am paying attention to every word!
— D. from CT, USA
Corinne Cevaer-Corey , you have a huge heart and I love how you share your wisdom with the world, making it a better place !
— K. from OR, USA
Thank you for this lovely inspiration. Great Light you are shining! Absolutely Great Light. Thank you!
This was very helpful. You are wonderful!! Thanks again for all of your support.
Beautifully done! I love your are so spot on!!! ALWAYS!!!!!
Je vous recommande les consultations à distance (Skype, WhatsApp) de Corinne !
Je trouve que c’est une aide personnelle incontestable.
— O., Professeur en Communication, Nouméa, Nouvelle Calédonie
Grâce à l'astrologie qu'elle maîtrise parfaitement et à la qualité de son écoute, Corinne Cévaër-Corey fait une analyse très fine des personnes sur le plan psychologique qui permet de mieux se connaître ou de comprendre son entourage. Elle perçoit également bien l'environnement ce qui fait d'elle un excellent guide pour la vie plein de bienveillance et d'empathie.
— F., Psychologue, Provence, France
Ma consultation d'astrologie avec Corinne: extraordinaire!
Un vrai voyage.
Comprendre mon moi intérieur et les rapports aux autres...
Les périodes et leurs effets sur notre vie, sans me connaitre, Corinne a réalisé mon thème astrologique et dans son exposé je me retrouvais parfaitement, j'apprenais pourquoi certaines choses me sont arrivées, pourquoi j'aime telle ou telle chose, pourquoi telles et telles affinités et surtout comment appréhender demain…
À consommer sans modérations...
— F. de Cahors, France
Je vous CONSEILLE TRES CHALEUREUSEMENT de faire une séance de conseil à distance avec ma très chère amie que je connais depuis le lycée Corinne Cevaer-Corey.
Elle peut vous faire
- votre thème natal,
- celui de votre conjoint/enfant
- le lien entre 2 thèmes natals (conjoints, parents, enfants, autres...)
Elle vous donne des pistes, des confirmations sur des projets, des choix à faire, des problèmes à résoudre, des pistes pour alléger des blocages (sentimental, vie professionnelle, etc...)
C’est un véritable et précieux soutien !
Corinne a fait des études de finances puis un master en astrologie.
Elle a une grande capacité à conseiller avec beaucoup de justesse, de délicatesse, de compréhension, d’empathie et d’humour aussi.
J’ai été ENCHANTEE de son aide :
=> pour un de mes fils en phase de choix de lieu de vie, de mode et secteurs de travail pouvant correspondre à ses talents et son épanouissement
=> pour moi pour le bon timing de projets, des interrogations sur des priorités, des éléments de confirmations pour affiner ma vision de mon futur dans le domaine personnel et professionnel
=> pour de précieux éclairages en compsant les themes de 2 personnes pour cheminer paisiblement vers des relations harmonieuses
L’idée n’est pas de remplacer votre libre arbitre, mais de prendre en compte vos forces, faiblesses, enjeux, tendances profondes.
Vous vous connaissez déjà plus ou moins bien, c’est sûr, mais cela recentre et conforte d’entendre cela de la bouche de quelqu’un d’autre.
Lors de ses consultations, je me suis trés exactement retrouvée dans ses descriptions de mon parcours, mes talents, ce que je dois travailler, à quoi je peux contribuer, les incontournables, les élements à prendre en compte pour me sentir bien et épanouie dans ma vie. ..
Je vous encourage à la contacter pour une consultation.
Il lui faut nom, prénom, date et heure et lieu de naissance, lieu de vie actuel et questions que vous vous poser (ou pas).
Corinne habite en Californie, parle français etanglais.
Aprés l’analyse de votre thème , vous pourrez planifier un entretien d’1h par skype ou whatsapp.
Vous pourrez la payer par paypal ou transferewise (je vous dirai comment faire, c’est tres simple et les frais de ftransfert de devises sont extrêmement minimes) avec votre simple CB.
Vous ne regretterez pas cet investissement pour vous ou pour un cadeau que vous pourrez faire à vos proches (idée pour noël ou anniversaire !)
Si vous en avez l’envie, merci de partager cette publication.
Il me tient à coeur de faire connaître cette personne, de diffuser la valeur et la préciosité du travail qu’elle fait !
— O., Professeur en Communication, Nouvelle Calédonie, Pacifique Sud