
Feel Better with Clear Guidance


Corinne Cévaër-Corey

Find your True Self

Get Clarity

Feel Empowered

Find Love

Help your Kids or Pets


I choose to smile :-)

I interpret charts for a better understanding of Self and others

We are fine! We will be fine! Mars R, Mercury R help in 2024-25 transition to the New Earth :-)

Receive the BLESSINGS. Spiritual LIGHT Forces are amplified for the next 5 ½ yrs! 2024-2029

Sep 22-Dec 21, 2024 Higher Frequency Equinox & Silver Linings helping us transition into the New Age.

Sep 3-Oct 16, 2024, Intense & Blessed Eclipse Portal for Change!

2024 Pluto in Aquarius, moving toward New Vibration!

The time is now, 2 potential timelines, which one do we consciously choose?

2023/24 Change in paradigms, 2 yrs of transition. Pluto moves to Aquarius and Saturn to Pisces

2023/24 Saturn in Pisces


Awaken Your Core, discover your essence, strengthen your confidence with Corinne’s Astrology guidance, by video call for anyone, worldwide or in person.

The first 1h1/2 reading is $250 for 1 person and following sessions, $200.

As a counseling astrologer, I will provide guidance that will empower you to fulfill your potential. I can also help you understand your loved ones or children better, for increased harmony and to guide them into manifesting their promise. You and/or your family, friends, co-workers, pets (I love working with animals) will:

  • feel heard and validated

  • discover your resources, strengths that will become your tools to overcome challenges

  • understand your wants and needs to reach fulfillment

  • become aware of beliefs and behavioral patterns that may hold you back from fully expressing your gifts

  • have harmonious, fluid relationships thanks to a deeper comprehension of how you operate

Understanding your horoscope will alleviate doubt, fear, pain and strengthen your confidence.

You Deserve to Thrive!

My blog and posts on social media offer free Astrological and Spiritual guidance. Feel free to leave a comment on my blog and/or follow me on social media!