"If you are wishing somebody well, it is very hard to judge them at the same time." Julian Treasure
I am not interested in writing about every new moon/full moon and I won’t… but am feeling the strong pull of this Super Snow Moon!
I wish to share the quality of its energy and give us homework to be at our best this week :-) This Feb 19th Supermoon will appear 14% bigger and 30% brighter because it will be the Full Moon closest to Earth all year.
Why a cute white dog instead of a stunning moon shot? This puppy illustrates perfectly the vibrational essence of this moon: LET’S NOT JUDGE! Let’s not judge others, let’s not judge ourself! Let’s redirect every single critical thought at this time and exercise COMPASSION toward others and self!
We are always good enough! We are doing our very best, knowing what we know now. Let’s not beat on ourselves for less then perfect thoughts and/or deeds of the past, as we did the best we could with the consciousness we had then.
When we judge, we attract what we don't want in our life. Let's focus on what we like and desire instead, to invite that!
Judging separates and creates duality in a world that is Oneness in principle. So we create division and hurt others and within self! In truth, we are yearning for unity, cohesiveness, belonging, and love.
Final food for thought: If we let go of judging, we let go of knowing, which gives our ego its identity; that is why it is hard not to judge. Our mind/ego wants to know because it thinks that is the only way it can exist. However, as spiritual beings, we do exist beyond the brain and the knowing. Our thinking ability is absolutely necessary to operate but as soon as our mental chatter veers from being constructive, we have the choice to “turn off the radio”. We can choose to say no and redirect our thoughts to uplifting ones instead. How? By being Grateful for something and something else and something else… all day if needed… until we start feeling better… and in no need to judge :-)
Thank you. I choose to smile. All my love, Corinne Cévaër-Corey
Ethical Astrologer and founder of CorAwakening
Photo by Robert Koorenny