"All God's angels come to us disguised." James Russell Lowell
We are in our minds, which divide. Animals stay in their heart and unify. They are natural therapists.
Let’s move on... from love relationships to talking about our bonds with our pets. It's so fun to explore our relating with our animals through astrology. We can use all the tools I wrote about in my previous blogs (Love I & Love II A & B) and/or work with other charts, depending on the circumstances.
Animals are Angels: Some humans feel that their dogs are more than just companions. In our case, we sense that our dogs are part of the battalion of guardian angels helping our family. We are blessed and grateful to have such generous souls join us on our journey. Our furry angels play a significant role in my spiritual development. They guided me and are continuing to do so from the Heavens. We have a few interesting stories that I will share in my next two blogs when I’ll talk about Calin and Bijou.
Most people’s hearts melt open to a dog, even if they do not have their own. I believe they truly are Angels on Earth to remind us daily of the essence of Joy, Unconditional Love, and Gratitude. I am grateful to both Calin followed by Bijou, two extra-ordinary spirits, for their unwavering benevolent presence then and still now, from the invisible realm.
Our companions, of all sizes and species (dogs, cats, rabbits, horses etc.) trained or wild, have a soul and are conscious beings. That is obvious to me but not all agree and that is ok too. It is my belief that animals always come into our life for a reason. Some of them pass through briefly to deliver a message, as a bird, dolphin, or a butterfly would, and others commit to accompanying us for a while. They have varied levels of consciousness, similar to people, and therefore take different roles in distinct life circumstances. We, the humans, are always matched with the right pet for the purpose of a specific experience. It is fascinating to decode what that goal might be. Various charts can elucidate.
Astrological chart calculation for pets: I started looking at dogs' horoscopes when I got my first puppy as an adult.
To study a particular issue to do with a pet, or with the connection between them and their guardian, I calculate the two natal wheels with the birth date, place and time of the person and animal. Most people do not have their pet’s birth time, so I either cast the chart at noon (equal chance of time in the am or the pm for that day) or I intuitively “rectify”, as I did for my dogs' horoscopes. In their case, the breeder gave me the time window for when the mother gave birth to the entire litter, several hours, and I chose the picture that felt the most accurate.
If the animal is adopted with no birth record, I ask for the date, place and time of the adoption. The adoption wheel works well as it symbolizes the beginning of the new person-pet couple. It reveals some qualities of the new pair’s journey, the purpose for the bond. If the people do not remember the time they signed the adoption papers, they may recall when the animal arrived home. We alway find a way to create the image that symbolizes the meaning of the relationship and explain its character.
A very few examples as to how astrology may assist in opening channels of communication for more effective comprehension between people and their animals :
Notice that I am not using the term “owner” as it is not right to use such words, owner, master, to describe the humans who share a part of their life with a pet, as the animal’s spirit deserves better. Who really knows who is taking care of whom? In my opinion, it goes both ways.
Understanding their needs for best care: The case of Lady who, after being adopted, suffered from skin issues and bad behavior. We found out that there must have been kids in the previous family and Lady was missing them. We also saw that she loved movement. All was resolved when her new mom started taking her for car rides and invited the grand-children much more often. Sometimes challenges find easy remedies.
Bubble was extremely fearful and we discovered that she wanted to be of service, relate to others and work. Seemingly contradictory information, but once her dad promised he was going to engage her in jobs, she started feeling more assured and came out of her shell. She was tasked to lead the children to school every day and sometimes she joined her dad at work where she would meet her many fans and cheer up the office. She needed to feel useful and once she felt valued, she became her true happy go lucky self.
Receiving a pet’s message: When a close friend’s dog passed, she asked me to confirm feelings she had about possible expectations her departed dog had of her. I cast the wheel of Cybelle’s departure and worked with both birth and death charts. I interpreted that Cybelle wanted Valerie to save abandoned dogs because she had been abandoned herself (before Valerie adopted her) and had suffered very much from it.
Electing the ideal chart for a new project: So Valerie created Association Animaux Vraie, a French non profit shelter to rescue and rehabilitate abandoned dogs. We wanted this venture to succeed, so we used astrology to “elect” a birth chart (choose date and time) for the organization that looked promising. So far, so good. Valerie has since saved over 500 lives in 11 years!
Confirming suspicions when no proof is available: Soon enough Valerie suspected negligence and abuse high in the world of show dog breeders. How could she (a brand new, tiny non profit with no money) take down renowned breeders who in truth were puppy mills? The stars came to the rescue, pun intended, and unfortunately, it confirmed Valerie’s sentiment. Armed with the confidence that astrology’s validation gave her, “David went after Goliath”. She gathered her courage to fight for the dogs, it’s always for the dogs, and won!
Assessing the psychological state of wounded animals: Studying the personality of abandoned dogs (or cats or any other animal) as well as shedding light on their past may be really helpful. The new care taker can then understand the animal’s behavior better and aid them in their emotional healing in addition to their physical one. The goal is to bring the dogs back to complete physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health, so they can be adopted into loving families.
My friend’s first rescued dog within Association Animaux Vraie was Sloanne. When she first arrived, she was in such bad shape (at all levels) that Valerie had very slim hope to succeed in bringing her back. I analyzed unbelievable potential in the dog and cheered Valerie on. Sloanne was a very special soul and became a very sweet and balanced dog. In truth, Valerie communicates with animals, so she did not need me, but I suppose the astrology gave her a valid second opinion and allowed her to forge ahead with no doubt. A valuable tool indeed.
Dogs and other animals read energy: I worked so much on Sloanne's chart that something incredible happened when I went to visit. I had never met Sloanne and she recognized me! Since I did not know her, it was Valerie who was shocked to see timid Sloanne approach me to say hello, as if we had known each other forever. Sloanne recognized my energy, how awesome and how else could she have known me? She was in France and I, in the USA. What a validating gift. Dogs are amazing, they always say “thank you”!
Health: The stars helped me decode some of my dogs’ health issues many a time. Hearing the message hiding behind an ailment and acknowledging it back to them so they feel validated may trigger a spontaneous healing. I have experienced this with my own dogs and many pets I have worked with. Sometimes, they are ill and that is that. Other times they get sick to show us something important and it is up to us to figure it out. Sometimes they take on the negative energy of their guardian like a sponge. Our dogs have done it all their lives. I will illustrate those ideas with examples in my next two blogs. By helping them recover, we often help ourselves.
Many dog lovers have observed that their dogs sacrifice their well being for their people’s wellness. Cats also do it but they have stunning natural ability to take on negative energy and cleanse it out of their system. They are alchemists. Dogs will lie in positive areas whereas cats will go where they may detoxify the spot. Let’s watch where our dogs lie in our homes, they will indicate where the good areas are. Let’s pay attention to where our cats often go when they are in the mood to work, they’ll transmute negative vibrations (emitted by computers, TVs for example) into healing negative ions. Unbelievable!
Once, a close friend faced an extremely difficult situation. Her son was dying from an undetected appendicitis surgery complication, and apparently, the doctors could not help. One of her dogs, Star, whom I knew to be the most karmically connected to my friend (they had powerful astrological connections) started hemorrhaging in the belly. I immediately looked up Star's chart and shared the information that she was sacrificing herself so my friend's son could survive. She was indicating where the medical problem was. My friend insisted vis a vis the resisting medics (who were adamant no error was committed) and her son was eventually saved, but in extremis. Star, thank goodness also recovered. This is the power of dogs, they will do this for us. I would not be surprised if any of you, reading this blog, have such stories and I welcome you to share if you wish :-)
"Dogs are not our whole lives, but they make our lives whole." Roger Caras
Astrology can give us feedback on what our beloved pets wish to teach us in the context of our current life. I believe our dog/cats (and all other species) choose us and not the other way around. If we are willing to listen, our animals will show us the way, while alive and afterwards too. They never leave us because THEY ARE PURE HEART!
“The Universe is nonmaterial- it is mental and spiritual. Live and enjoy.” Physicist Richard Conn Henry
E-mail me at corawakening@gmail.com if you would like to explore your relationship with your pets and receive advice in a private session, I’d love it!
Thank you. I choose to smile. All my love, Corinne Cévaër-Corey
Ethical Astrologer and founder of CorAwakening
Ps. The photo is of a painting by Kay Quattrocchi, a dear friend and renowned artist. We go a long way back to my childhood :-)
Art by Kay Quattrocchi.