All in Synastry

"Mothers hold their children's hands for a short while, but their hearts forever." Unknown

Parent-Child Relationships from the Child’s Perspective

The horoscope puts the spotlight on the psychological and spiritual traits that travel in families and explain human behavior. How can astrology help parents nurture their children they way they need to be loved? The beauty of this tool is that it facilitates seeing patterns from both angles, the child and the parent. The aim is to help us avoid blame games. The only way to heal is by accepting and forgiving, but it helps to understand.

Both our sons have amazing aspects in their charts, to reflect parents with good intentions and so do I about my parents, but isn’t it the friction that always brings us to therapy? In general, we all need to distinguish between our fundamental love for each other and the unconscious baggage that comes attached with every day interaction.

It is fascinating to see how particular wounds travel in the family’s birth charts. My boys’ charts certainly helped me be a better parent.

“A mother’s arms are more comforting than anyone else’s.” Princess Diana

Parent-Child Relationships

I will discuss how, when a child was not acknowledged and accepted for who they were, they will as adults have difficulty following their Heart. We were not heard then, so we cannot hear ourselves now.

That explains the popularity of astrology which aids us get in touch with who we are.

I use astrology to bring parent-children together. When we realize we repeat certain painful patterns in our adult lives, it’s nourishing to know where they stem from, so we take ownership to become our own nurturer and start healing. That in turn passes the healing down to the future generations, and believe it or not, up the family tree as well.

My not receiving emotional nurturance when I needed it the most accomplished that I learn the sacred lesson of Unconditional Love.

Astrology deepens my empathy and compassion for my parents and everyone else and allows me to forgive mySelf!

"All God's angels come to us disguised." James Russell Lowell

We are in our minds, which divide.  Animals stay in their heart and unify.  They are natural therapists… I believe they truly are Angels on Earth to remind us daily of the essence of Joy, Unconditional Love, and Gratitude… Our companions, of all sizes and species, trained or wild, have a soul and are conscious beings… Here are a few examples as to how astrology may assist in opening channels of communication for more effective comprehension between people and their animals: Understanding their needs for best care, Receiving a pet’s message, Electing the ideal chart for a new project, Confirming suspicions when no proof is available, Assessing the psychological state of wounded animals, Dogs and other animals read energy, and Health.

E-mail me at if you would like to explore your relationship with your pets and receive advice in a private session, I’d love it!

Thank you.  I choose to smile.  All my love, Corinne Cévaër-Corey 

Ethical Astrologer and founder of CorAwakening

Art by Kay Quattrocchi

Want To Know About Love? It's Complicated! (Love Part I)

We all want to be heard, seen, cherished and validated. We want to be loved, but go about it in different ways.

Serious compatibility astrology involves in depth study to lay out potential, not certainty.

We have free will but it certainly helps to better understand who we are before we commit to “happily ever after.”

“True forgiveness is when you can say, 'Thank you for that experience.'" Oprah Winfrey

Most connections help us grow in our unique human experience…

Are we present? Are we listening?… How do we react?…

The most important relationship that precedes all others is the one to Self…

There are astrology charts to explain the dynamics between two beings or between somebody and their animal or between a person and a place…

Corinne Cévaër-Corey, Psychological Astrologer and founder of CorAwakening