There we go again... the BS about Mercury R! ... Sigh...
Do not believe all you read and hear about ‘Mercury Retrograde’. Although well intentioned, many astrologers unfortunately jail us with limiting beliefs, negative injunctions. If the information does not sit right with us, let’s ignore it.
World Consciousness has shifted and we are no longer under the spell of the old interpretations of Cosmic symbols. Today, we are in what I’ll call a Quantum Physics/Biology, Quantum Energy era. We know the Universe is constantly expanding… We understand the principles of Flow and Abundance. We are now striving to reach a state of inner freedom. We trust we are creators. If we believe in our Core (Heart) that we have the power to conceive, we can actually manifest.
However, there lies the problem for most of us. We have faith one minute and are plunged back into doubt the next. We cannot blame Life for not providing if we let fear creep in. Many of us still hold deep seated beliefs that hold us back. Some of us, me included, find comfort in being a victim because it’s familiar. Most of us will admit we have much monitoring to do... Let’s support each other in the practice of being vigilant, constantly observing our thoughts. It’s ok, we are human, our default mode is hard to override.
Let’s have compassion for ourSelves and know that we are making progress, everyday… healing layers upon layers of cell memory. We are spiritual beings having a human experience… a journey of the Heart.
The ideal we strive for is to have unwavering faith all the time. We need to believe deeply, rejoice in the desired outcome and see it as done! We shall ‘act as if’ and feel in our hearts the contentment of the promise already fulfilled. We must have total confidence and conviction for our intentions to concretize.
The following advice from astrologers everywhere, even though well intended, is dangerous. Do not believe all variations of this: “It is advisable to not make concrete plans when Mercury is in retrograde.” or “Just try to avoid big decisions.” It is nonsense! Are we supposed to believe that life stops when Mercury is retrograde? That, by the way, would mean that this rule should apply during the 3 times per year Mercury goes R, which it does over roughly 3 weeks each time. In addition to the actual R period, Mercury also travels through the shadow of its retrograde during 4/5 additional weeks. That would mean, 22-23 weeks per year of recommended inaction!
In addition, the rules shared here and there do not apply to all people (animals and events) the same way, as 1/3 of us on the planet have Mercury R in our natal chart! That is why I would highly recommend reading from and working with awakened PsychoAstrologers because there are no 2 birth charts alike; we are all unique. On the same day, I may give advice to a client with natal Mercury R that contradicts with my guidance to another client with a different personal signature. General guidelines, not administered by conscious counselors may be misleading and achieve the opposite result.
Mercury can be a trigger when it stations retrograde or direct but it depends what else is going on in the sky at that moment and at which degree of the zodiac the station happens and if that degree is in resonance with a previous or near futur cosmic event charging this point that the Mercury station would release. It’s all very complicated and one just cannot say that because Mercury is R, all affairs of communication will go haywire. Again, it all depends on the natal chart, which indicates how the terrain vibrates more or less with the archetype of Mercury.
So, Mercury as a ‘Messenger of the Gods’, yes, but my point is that the retrograde motion of the planet may indeed support introspection but it does not prevent forward going life. We know better then to let limiting beliefs create unfounded fears which lead to negative self-fulfilling promises. A more blunt way to say this is that Astrology is not meant to create superstition but it is supposed to empower and strengthen us by bringing us in alignment with our Identity, our Center, our Core.
Thank you. I choose to smile. All my love, Corinne Cévaër-Corey
Ethical Astrologer and founder of CorAwakening
Photo by Graham.