All in Inspiration

The Eclipse is here. Let’s set ourselves up for success in 2019!

This weekend, there is a Solar Eclipse (Potent New Moon) coupled with a Uranus Station. The Universe is giving us a chance, the next few days, to focus on creating a fresh start, on a renewed foundation.

It is imperative our thoughts stay optimistic as we are setting intentions and planting new seeds. It is critical we stay open to shifts in possibilities and opportunities.

Our present emotional state will shape the tone for the rest of the year, hence my stressing the vital importance to monitor our current feelings. We can control our emotions by consciously directing our thoughts, smiling, breathing deeply, yawning, and taking physical power poses.

Let’s set ourselves up for success in 2019!

The present Eclipse Portal moment is the door to all moments...

We are in a very special time where the quality of our thoughts matters greatly as they have more resonance right now, more power to become reality. The expression, "Be careful what you wish for; you just might get it" applies perfectly here. It is very important that we be mindful of the vibration we are creating and spreading around. The Solar Eclipse of Jan 5/6 gives us the opportunity for a magnificent and potent new beginning. Let’s embrace this wondrous new path that is opening up for us, that is being facilitated during this highly charged gateway period we are in.