"Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It, Because It Does!" Anita Moorjani
Dialog with loved ones.
Many of us are all on a spiritual path seeking answers to find inner calm and joy. A Sage once told me: “Stop trying to feel peace, just Be Peace, where is the problem? Choose to be in a state of Peace. Breathe in Peace, breath out Peace, Be Peace. Very simple!” I was stunned and never forgot. Those words could have come out of the mouth of the Dalai Lama, followed by his genuine laugh, ha, ha… It is so straightforward that our mind constructs all kinds of reasons as to why it should be complicated. And that is fine too, the Dalai Lama himself says we should not have blind faith but investigate, find out for ourselves, through meditation practice and studies. We may peel the onion for as long as we fancy, only to always find more… So, yes, the Sage was right: We want wellness, Be Wellness. We wish serenity, Be Serenity. We want happiness, Be Happiness… Honestly, I am still stuck at feeling fear, not all the time, and feeling lighter and lighter as I go along, so there’s hope, ha, ha.
Let’s mindfully put an end to chasing problem resolution. There will always be new obstacles, we will never resolve an issue and find permanent Nirvana forever after. So perhaps it’s best to follow our passions, what inspires us, and our desires will propel us beyond our fears. Let’s recognize our doubt and “turn off the radio” (our negative thoughts). Even better, let’s see our anxiety for what it is and change the “radio station” to a frequency that fits us more appropriately. Let’s redirect our thoughts to happy or grateful thoughts that lift us, that trigger excitement and joy in our heart. Slowly but surely, we will attract only “good problems”, the ones we are content to resolve.
Sometimes, friends ask me questions that are so profound and universal that I feel it important to rephrase and share, so others may benefit from our exchanges. This dear friend is a wise old soul, able to pull some answers out of me, which in turn I decided to pass along.
Question: How do we remove past trauma or fear imprinted in our cells, our body, and avoid creating disease? The answers do not come from me, they are inspired by my love for my friend. The answers are for us both.
Near-death experiencer and New York Times bestselling author Anita Moorjani said: “Love yourself like your life depends on it, because it does!” Anita gives us the one and only answer. It is so simple that we prefer to choose the hard path. The Universal answer that encompasses them all, is in this message! Let’s stop being afraid of this or that, which is our mind/ego distracting us from our Core. Let’s appreciate all our trillions of cells, our whole body and Self. I constantly forget, eventhough I am writing these words! I need reminding, over and over again. That is why we need a daily Mindful routine. Let’s have Compassion, as we are apprentices… Let’s be in awe of the miracle that we are. Anita says: "Appreciate yourself, love yourself, knowing that you are worthy and deserving the good in life." She also says: “Love is not a luxury, it’s a necessity.” Yes, Love is the only true nutrition our Spirit needs to grow and blossom.
To this we say: “I’m far from being and living from my core, I have issues that come up all the time.”
Don’t we all? We are human and that is part of life. Our aspiration is to live the ups and downs with the least resistance as possible to diminish the amplitude of the emotional peaks and valleys. The excesses produce the damage. It is normal to have lessons to learn, it is part of the human condition. Without the shadows, we have no contrast and cannot taste gratitude. If all was well all the time, we would take it for granted and we would not expand. We are apprentices in the harnessing of Prana, Chi, Life Force that wants to flow through us freely. Our ego is learning to create new habits of stepping out of the way. In my case, that also comes with remembering to be gentle with myself. When I am harsh, I cannot be in the flow… As the sage said: Be a “Sacred Child of God” and act like one with self and others.
My friend mentions Abraham’s answer to this challenge. I will paraphrase: “Trauma is only active in the cells if we focus on it, if we are happy, it wont affect us.” It is true that having a good time, laughter and joy heal. Many of us have a hard time with such answers because we have a deep belief that we are flawed and so instead of giving all our attention to being happy, we concentrate on fixing ourselves. We put our attention on the problems instead of the solution, as mentioned in paragraph two. A first step is to feel gratitude, towards many little things. Abraham says what the Sage said above in the first paragraph.
I wake up in the morning and my first thought goes to creating a smile on my face. I do not ask my minds’ opinion, I just smile. Then I breathe to open up my body. That usually causes a series of yawns and my third step is to feel thankful for a few basic things.
We believe "It's hard to love oneself when the inner critic (I am already damaged) is so loud".
The Spiritual leaders, in every culture, say that the problem is we are trying to love the part of us that we see, our body, ourself as a physical human being. However, we are not just visible matter, we are energy, we know that. This information is not new to us, but we forget, too often.
So, when we say that "it is not easy to love oneself", are we perhaps temporarily forgetting that we are 100% energy? When we remember that we are a Spiritual Essence, a Sacred Particle of God, then we have an easier time "loving ourself" and feeling we deserve to feel good and happy, we deserve to have flow in our life, we deserve to be free of fear. The Creator is expressing itself through us. If we remember that we are 100% vibration, at one with the Field, it helps to be more appreciative and respectful of the vehicle we inhabit, doesn’t it? Also, if we know the eyes that are looking out are Source’s eyes, maybe we will be more careful in not criticizing what we see? Perhaps we will choose to be grateful more often?
During the current potent cosmic portal (May 22-July 20) is a good opportunity to transmute and forgive. We are in the middle of an eclipse period, a sacred time, when the veil between God and us is very thin and perhaps even non existent. The archetype of Neptune is also strong, giving us extra aid to open our hearts and integrate spiritual lessons, from whichever corner of the earth they may come. It's time now to forgive our former self and all the past people that participate in our life. It's time to forgive all that happened in our life up until the present moment and make the shift. Other celestial energies as Jupiter conjunct Pluto are reflecting back to us that the time for transformation and healing is here. Venus is joining forces as well with her retrograde dance. Still, anytime is always a good time. We do not need astrology to confirm, it’s just another belief system, albeit a good one, that may occasionally help. I’ll take all the assistance I can get, why not?
"Let's fake it until we make it". Let's pretend we just woke up from a deep sleep and remember nothing from the past. We are starting fresh. It's possible. All is illusion anyway, as the Buddha tells us, so why not decide to "let go and let God" and allow all past difficult emotions to disappear.
"I am toxic" is a judgement invented by our ego, the critic. Let’s not give it power. The ego, in truth, is weak. Fact! I like to think this, ha, ha, it gives me confidence… and I need all the confidence I can get :-) The ego is so scared, it tries to frighten us first, so it can feel better about itself. It needs to feel important but how can it feel potent in the face of Christ, Buddha, Allah or God? It can't, so it spends its life bullying us, trying to convince us we are separate from the Eternal Love Energy. It has the guts to shame us into believing we are mere little mortal creatures, when in truth we are magnificent spiritual sentients because the Divine lives in us.
What about if we do not believe in the presence of God, anywhere? That is ok as well because, perhaps it’s a matter of vocabulary and perception. If the non believer thinks that they have goodness in their heart, capable of tenderness and compassion; in my book, that person holds Source within. They may have an issue with the words used. That is why I try to name the Unconditional Love Energy various ways, as to be as inclusive as possible.
If we start our day, every day, thanking (1) the Creative Source, the Higher Power, for living in us, that would be a fabulous step one. Another way to say it is we may acknowledge the basic force for good that lives in our heart (1). Step two could be to honor (2) our Light within. This means to have reverence for the potential for perfection in us. Step three could be surrendering (3) to the part of us that is Almighty God. I wrote this erroneous way of describing God within on purpose to illustrate how sneaky the ego is. I just said "part of us", that is a divisive way of thinking. God is all encompassing. Isn’t it interesting to observe how our vocabulary leads us astray? So, to correct the above statement, step three may be to surrender (3) to the Divine within all our cells. Let’s allow the Universe within our entire bodies, who is all and knows all, to lead the way.
The Light, Unconditional Love, is in our fifty plus trillion cells. We are Energy beings. If we are one with the Creative Source, then we'd better appreciate ourself, our entire self. If we do not, are we not contradicting ourself? If we are at war with ourself, are we not at war with God? And perhaps some of us are? It’s a good question? However, many of us agree that God is Love and present is in every single cell of our body but then we also hate, discredit, “other”, dislike, deny parts of us? This makes no sense, right? So perhaps we just need to remind ourselves every morning, before we start our day, that we ought to practice thanking, honoring and surrendering to the Creator within. Let’s practice loving all the parts of ourself that our ego wants us not to like or be in harmony with. Let’s choose different thoughts and generate new neurological circuits, ones that are coming from Love and not fear, how exciting!
Most of us also know that fear is the opposite of Love. When we doubt, are anxious, afraid we experience emotional pain and contraction occurs at the cellular level. This translates into shutting life flow through the body that results in energetic blockages. Those become physical dis-ease and/or disease. We know all this, so why are we not well, when the potential to be whole is at our fingertips? It comes with regular practice, no shortcuts. We need to constantly train our brain to be at the service of our Soul, our Spirit, not the other way around. The mind wants control, the ego wants to dominate. In my humble opinion, the “healing coaches” who tell us that shortcuts are available, are in the belief that we are flawed and need fixing by them. My friend and I discussed this topic that I will put in another blog.
The Soul is all Love and Compassion, so it lets the ego run wild, even until self-destruction, because it does not judge. It is up to us to awaken! So let's wake up and stop allowing our ego/mind to judge our Spirit and everything else. Soul is all powerful because it is One with the Cosmos, the Field, the Creator. It is patient, it has eternity, it needs not bully the mind into submission, it lets it reach a state of crisis, knowing that at some point, it will be so weak by its own undoing, that it will surrender and dissolve. Why not now? It is as good a time as any to allow Life to flow by ceasing to judge.
Why is judging a problem? Because it separates, divides, create schism between me and myself and other forms of life. We may observe duality, tension, a lack of ease, but let's practice non attachment to it, so we can let the discord flow downstream as a river without blockage. We do that by focusing on what we enjoy instead. Let's project Light where there is darkness. Let's smile to stuck energy in the body and elsewhere to release it. Once we crack open the door into a dark room, it cannot be completely dark anymore...
E-mail me at corawakening@gmail.com to receive advice in a private session, I’d love it!
Thank you. I choose to smile. All my love, Corinne Cévaër-Corey
Astrologer and founder of CorAwakening
Photo by Nicodemus Roger