All in Taurus-Scorpio

I always have ALL that I need !

The potent full moon of May 18th is still stirring emotions, making us feel exposed and vulnerable. A main theme of the sun in Taurus opposed the moon in Scorpio is: TRUSTING that our needs are always being met.

When feeling uncertain and insecure, let’s remember that thoughts are energy and that energy gives birth to manifestation. So, let’s immediately change them to create a better existence. Each and every ‘but’ thought is resistance and not allowing flow.

We can create what we need if we come from our center, essence, which stems from our Body, Soul and the Divine, certainly not from our mind (only a tool).

Experiences during the period surrounding this cathartic full moon teach us how to find our own power. The moon in feminine watery Scorpio is asking us to gain caring influence by surrendering control.

Let's purify our vibration with the Selenite Crystal.

Every year, around the May Taurus-Scorpio Full Moon, two rays of infinite Light, Buddha and Christ enter in communion to bless Earth and Humanity.

This emotionally intense Blue Moon calls us to release all that no longer serves us and build on the seeds planted earlier… If we still have control issues, now is the perfect time to work on liberating ourselves.

I advise all of us to welcome the help of the Selenite vibration right now… She is a High Frequency Spiritual Crystal Guide… She facilitates connecting ourselves with our Central Sun, our Inner Light.