Where is the Light? My take on our 2020 world
The Light is coming… but first, HEART needs to be restored in every corner of society.
The world is not coming to an end. We have settled and accepted a torn up micro and macrocosm for too long. So much so that we have forgotten what Peace feels like, what a healthy environment devoid of pollution looks like. Great crises are a necessary evil to bring populations together again, to bring Heart back in our daily lives. Our world is in the process of being deeply transformed for the better! As a civilization, we are experiencing acute growing pains and are turning the corner. That too shall pass….
NoticeI I did not write about the state of global affairs since my last Mundane Astrology post? I needed time to figure out how to give a positive twist to the dire reality I was seeing coming. I did not wish to create panic ahead of time, so I abstained until I myself could see the light at the end of the tunnel. Now that the 2020 biggest cat is out of the bag (COVID-19 pandemic), perhaps I can step in and reassure us a little bit? We have already experienced gigantic fires, storms, floods & mudslides, tornadoes, locust infestation, earthquakes, wars, humanitarian & refugee crises, disease epidemics and more... There is unfortunately more to come, until we all wake up and put a stop to the way we have operated on our small stage, encouraging further destruction universally.
To the best of my ability, I will put a positive spin by attaching meaning to the traumatic events of the year, so people comprehend the desperate need for evolution of our societies worldwide. We each have a part to play and 2020 is not over…
“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace” Jimi Hendrix
For me, this quote summarizes the major paradigm shift of 2020. What is happening is for the purpose of cleansing obsolete socio-economic-education-political-racial-religious and cultural frameworks worldwide. Humans can’t learn and change without having to suffer first, it seems. Not enough of us evolve and not fast enough. We could choose to channel transformative energies and be ahead of the curve, but no, we always retreat into what feels safe. On a global scale, because we are fearful creatures of habit, we prefer to cling to systems that make us feel secure, even if we know they no longer work for the benefit of the greater public. How many catastrophes do we need to submit ourselves to before we wake up and start contributing to evolution? Why do we have to learn the hard way before we transmute? Unfortunately, there is no more time! We must change now! So, I am very excited because a definitive shift in position and direction is coming, it has to.
Some of us have already gone through extensive trauma in the last few years and are still standing. We may still have lessons to learn, we can always do more. As a people of this planet, we are One. Some persons, some groups, are not more important than others. Until we understand that basic premise, we are all doomed. I am sounding dramatic and it’s on purpose. The way our societies have been operating, in a very selfish and short sighted way, has not been sustainable for the planet and has not served the greater whole. Mother Nature is agonizing and we don’t care. Nations are divided, the wealth disparity is extreme but political leaders and economic actors stay undisturbed. We are constantly on the brink of WWIII… Enough! For goodness sake, are we seriously proud of the world we are leaving to our children and grand children? C’mon, let’s be honest here.
So, in a nutshell, in an indirect way, we all are responsible for the devastating natural catastrophes, current pandemic, man made wars and conflicts, and international economic consequences, that are accelerating in 2020. Over the last many years, we have facilitated and allowed power-hungry, close-minded authoritarian leaders all over the planet to consolidate their power. They have avoided establishing incremental measures for the benefit of all and the well being of Mother Earth. So now, our societies will resonate with the negative aspects of the Saturn-Pluto archetypes before we come out the other end and embrace the positive manifestation of the archetypes. These active planets all 2020 represent a symbolic death and rebirth, a complete transformation of the socio-economic-education-political-racial-religious and cultural systems in place, a phoenix rising from the ashes. This year’s disastrous events may put a sudden halt to unbridled systems, worldwide, that are not serving the people and the planet. The big paradigm shift is here, whether we like it or not. So let’s get off our high horse and embrace the need for a complete overhaul and choose to ride the wave with Heart, openness and awareness.
There are too many complex astrological factors at play all year and knowing the technicalities may not serve you. If interested, please ask me, I’ll be very happy to share. So, for now, I’ll skip the details and go straight to sharing my thoughts on the positive consequences following the traumatic upheavals.
Still, here is a bit of astrological background to understand the general situation for all of 2020. We had significant eclipses last Dec and Jan 2020, together with the extremely rare Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn and a Uranus Station! Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are outer planets who affect the collective when they are being triggered.
Eclipses in general bring out issues that need to be addressed. The more we have put our head in the sand about a specific problem (in the present case, a faulty health care system, in all countries), the more explosive the eclipses. Specifically for the Coronavirus, since the first case in China was diagnosed around the Dec 2019 Solar Eclipse, my feeling is that we may not see the end of this wave before perhaps mid July 2020. We will have three eclipses spanning from late May to mid July 2020. Often the themes brought to light are resolved at the next eclipse period, six months after the original eclipse cycle that brought it on. However, resolution of the challenge usually comes by the following eclipse cycle, a year later, which will be from mid Nov to the end of Dec 2020. By then, public and private institutions may have pulled their resources and worked together to find prevention and cure for this strand of virus.
I feel the greatest impact of the virus affecting nations worldwide will subside by mid July 2020 but the long term lessons and ramifications of such a pandemic will come by the end of the year and beyond. The May-June 2021 eclipses may bring closure with new laws enacted in many countries and long term installation of revamped infrastructure of health care systems. A new philosophy on heath care, better adapted to serve all, may have emerged and will be made permanent. Still, most of the needed short term revolution in the organization of all structures that govern societies to address this pandemic will have started to take place by July 2020.
When outer planets align, huge transformation occurs. For example , Saturn conjuncted Neptune (both in Capricorn) when the Berlin Wall came down Nov 9, 1989. It was a pivotal moment in History, marking the fall of the Iron Curtain and the end of the Cold War in the following weeks and months. Know that Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and both symbolize figurative and real walls. Saturn opposed Pluto Aug-Nov 2001, when Sept 11 occurred in the US, permanently shifting foreign policies of nations to this day and the travel customs. The planets were in Gemini/Sagittarius, ruling travel, planes and communication, diplomacy.
In Mundane Astrology, the Jan 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto conjunction at 23 Capricorn (cardinal degree) is considered a crisis degree. This hot potato degree will be triggered over and over all year 2020 by multiple cosmic events.
To measure the importance of this once in a life time Saturn-Pluto conjunction, know that the last time a Saturn-Pluto conjunction happened in Capricorn was in 1518! Let’s get our history books out to see what happened then in terms of major social, educational, racial, religious, cultural, economic, idealogical, geopolitical paradigm shift. On Oct 31, 1517 Martin Luther posted his 95 grievances against the Pope, sparking the birth of a new Church. Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn is about the dismantling of big institutions the way we know them. Organizations that exert authority over society, such as governments (with their military, police, justice and governing apparatus), financial institutions, big corporations and multinational companies may experience a complete overhaul. The financial markets may experience a reality check all 2020. Saturn-Pluto energies either empower, or overturn, the entrenched status quo. Either way, it’s always for new life, a new paradigm.
The establishment collapses to permit renewal and the invention of better functioning models that will benefit the masses. All large systems that are not solution oriented for better justice, health, living standards, education, general well-being of all people and the planet will see reform. Any large organization, public or private, including religious churches and groups will be forced to change their ways. Any dominant leader, boss clinging to power for selfish motives, for money, prestige may be coerced to abdicate. Saturn-Pluto vibration is about breakdowns for breakthroughs and rebuilding improved versions of what we had. We are talking about disruption, eruption, separation, fracture, rupture, discontinuation, interruption, pause to completely reorganize for a more efficient and productive, but at the same time, HUMANE way of functioning at all levels of society. I am using many words to describe as we all resonate with different terms.
Around the planet, we have experienced doubt, confusion, anxiety, fear and panic due to lack of knowing what the future will bring in the wake of calamitous natural and man made destruction. Our lack of clarity has been exacerbated by missing fluid communication, direction, vision and resolute responses from our leadership everywhere.
With the archetypes at play all year, governments, big institutions, all the organizations that have power and control and play a large role in societies will have to step up or they will be dismantled. In normal times, the decay can be gradual, but not in 2020. The world situation is dire. Drastic measures will be adopted thanks to incredible human ingenuity, when pushed against the wall, facing a deadline that we cannot postpone. This rare conjunction’s aura of influence started well before 2020 and will have ripple effects well beyond 2020, but 2020 is the turning point year.
The time has come for the authority figures at all levels of nations and communities to improve their cooperation, collaboration and communication in the best interest of public safety and wellness. Some leaders may attempt to use this general stressful period to increase their clamp on power. It is easier to increase one’s grip on control at the expense of the people’s freedom when they are fearful. Saturn-Pluto may bring about power struggles between nations and also between authoritarian regimes and their populations. We have already witnessed such revolts and uprisings in Hong Kong, Teheran, Baghdad, Beirut, Barcelona, Santiago and Caracas, to name a few. We are witnessing severe tension between many countries and power plays that may ensue in conflicts that could be avoided. One case in point is the feud between Saudi’s MBS and Russia’s Putin over oil.
However, over time, beyond 2020, my vision remains optimistic. Looking at current cosmic influences, I am hopeful that authoritarian hold on societies for the selfish benefit of a few privileged will subside in a domino effect across the globe. It will take time, but my positive outlook is that non benevolent rulers, whether they were elected or self appointed, in public and private domains, will be ousted.
Right now, during the Coronavirus pandemic, people are fearful and behaving selfishly. Societies function better when we all have the welfare of the collective in mind. Crisis exposes the shadows of individuals and groups. The spotlight revealing our dark sides will be a catalyst toward healing. Benevolent, courageous and visionary leadership all over the world will emerge from the 2020 series of crises. One example in the US is that some hoarders who wanted to profit from the panic of others are now donating thanks to caring leadership who put their foot down and prevented the reselling at bloated prices. This case reflects exactly the type of energy I am seeing become more prevalent in the future. Behemoth organizations will use their immense power more wisely. Some entities and governments are already reassessing policies to meet the demands of the pandemic. After the crisis has passed, we will probably see some ingenious solutions take root and become perpetual ways of operating. It will be wise to keep the good that came out of it and permanently change what was not working.
We are living in scary times but I remain optimistic for the long term repercussions of the 2020 worldwide upheaval. The conditions of feeling constantly threatened by danger, may it be Global Warming related climate change or World Health issues, will trigger the complete transformation many of us have been yearning for. Severe instability will lead to decisive reform in international affairs, relationships and diplomacy, as well as at the social, education, economic, political, religious, racial and cultural plane in most countries. We ought to be grateful about that.
It is unfortunate that the price of our inaction over the last 30 years is very steep. The times are grave, millions of people, animals and nature have already suffered and died due to our inability to demand immediate change from our leadership back in the 90s and early 2000s. The ensuing natural catastrophes, epidemics, never-ending wars and conflicts now triggering economies collapsing worldwide, will finally create enough damage that mentalities will change. I may sound cruel but it is reality. Many humans do not change when they personally are not affected. Only hurtful events affecting and stirring the majority will awaken enough people to create a summon for evolution.
Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn is a very practical conjunction. We will see tangible long lasting solutions emerge to remedy what went wrong, to replace or improve all the systems in place that did not function optimally. In America, the nation as a whole may benefit from the COVID-19 related scare in that the country’s health care system may get revised and upgraded. In addition, a new safety net for all Americans may be put in place. Those two planets are teaching us to go to the essence, to appreciate and discern what is indispensable as opposed to superfluous. We are learning to live with less and appreciate more. It is when some basic needs are not met, when we lose fundamentally necessary rights or liberty, that we may no longer take them for granted and will be willing to fight to regain or acquire them. With patience and discipline, a sense of responsibility and a practical approach, movements will emerge to push back against unfair and oppressive regulations. We will succeed in introducing reform against big business and government bodies whose only interest is themselves. Protests will impose that massive corporations adopt inventive, honestly benevolent and green philosophies. Big multinationals in retail, pharmaceutical and chemical, oil and energy, tech and communication, finance etc. will have to face the music, finally. The irony is that they will love the aftermath of their mutation or pivoting!
Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, economies in China, Europe and now the United States have come to a screeching halt. It’s as if Mother Earth decided to put an abrupt stop to pollution to recover some breathing capacity. The satellite images of China before and during the quarantines were spectacular in contrast. Unfortunately, it will be a temporary respite. Still, I am confident that the experience felt by the Chinese people, able to breathe and see blue skies, will have stirred consciousness. The same positive effects will be observed throughout Europe and the USA. Thanks to the economic breakdowns, the striking contrast between the before and after photos and the replenishing of clean air, will stir up reflection.
Less is more. Perhaps at the end of the year, or sooner, many enterprises will have calculated increased productivity from their employees who worked from home, when it was required as an exceptional measure to curb the spreading of the virus. They may in turn decide to allow more part time remote work going forward, hence also reducing pollution created by millions of commuters. Companies whose employees engage in much traveling, may realize that some of it could be cut and still yield better results. The temporary adaptations, using technology for online communication, may become more prevalent and even long-lasting for certain practices. Less workers commuting everyday, less traffic, less air travel, fewer cruises etc. will contribute to less air and noise and other types of pollution. As a result, innovative protocols and systems put in place in times of emergency, that have proven themselves to be very efficient and cost saving, will endure.
The ripple effect into all aspects of life will be numerous. However, at each road block, we are capable of advancing and resolving all challenges, when we stick together. Will leaders at all echelons of societies, starting with the family nucleus, all the way to the largest multinational corporations and governments, step up to the plate? For example, will the East and the West agree on coming together to develop the next technological advancements to benefit humanity? Will we realize once again (we did it after WWII) that the world as One is better than a divided place? Will we, people of a multi-faceted global village, eventually adopt the belief that we are all one, created equal, under one God? Or will we continue to generate competing, contradicting systems that will instigate division, disparity and ultimately pain, again. Those questions are to be reflected upon at many levels. When will individuals stop thinking: I am no better than you and vice versa? When will geographic, economic, racial, cultural, religious communities stop clashing? When will we recognize that humans represent only one specie among myriads of others on our blue planet and that we have the potential to not only co-exist but thrive in peace?
2020 will see a mix of Saturn in Capricorn and Aquarius. That planet rules both signs but nevertheless, Aquarius will bring different energy. Saturn will enter Aquarius definitively on Dec 16-17, 2020, opening a new era. Aquarius is about the collective, community. It is also about altruistic pursuits, caring about one another and Mother Earth. Aquarius will bring all that combined with yet new technologies, as it rules inventions and the future. This is what this world crisis is moving Humanity toward, exciting! A steep price to pay because we, humans, prefer to stay selfish and unconscious, but there is HOPE!
We are in this together. We are dependent on each other. It is in all of us to rise to the occasion and show selflessness to have a real improved impact on how life will develop in the new era. How each of us behaves affects multiple others in ways we can’t imagine. We are all going to get through the many challenges worldwide as One People on One planet.
E-mail me at corawakening@gmail.com if you would like to receive advice in a private session, I’d love it!
Thank you. I choose to smile. All my love, Corinne Cévaër-Corey
Ethical Astrologer and founder of CorAwakening
Photo by Corinne Cévaër-Corey, from home March 9, 2020