All tagged Eclipses

The Gift of Not Knowing Is Freedom

The Gift of Not Knowing Is Freedom

The Neptune archetype is very strong as we are entering the eclipse portal, leading to exaggerated feelings of anxiety or a greater connection with God, OUR CHOICE. It’s an auspicious time to HEAL.

How will we best utilize this sacred period?

Read the short blog to receive guidance on how to cope between now and the end of the year.

E-mail me at to receive advice in a private session, I’d love it!

Corinne Cévaër-Corey, Spiritual Counselor and founder of CorAwakening

The World Is Transforming, Resisting At First, But Changing... For A Better Future

Considering the cosmic circumstances, perhaps it would help other hypersensitive persons to know that our intense yo-yoing emotional state is normal? Right now, it is standard to swing between feeling safe and feeling threatened.

At the bottom of the blog, I have given short descriptions of the Cancer and Capricorn vibrations that we can use to elucidate and give meaning to our crazed emotions and events.

Feeling stressed? Don't blame the holidays, but the eclipses!

Warning! We entered a period of turbulence that extends past mid-January 2020. No matter what we do in the next few weeks, we shall remember to breathe! At all moments, let’s be receptive to what happens, take a big breath, pause, and then act in a calmly manner. If not, we will regret our abrupt reactions and impulsive decisions…

E-mail me at if you would like to receive advice in a private session, I’d love it!

Thank you.  I choose to smile.  All my love, Corinne Cévaër-Corey 

Ethical Astrologer and founder of CorAwakening

Can we beat Karma?

… From mid June to mid August 2019 is a gateway for shedding all our Karma or parts of it… We are in an opening where our choices in thoughts and actions can change everything!…

Qui N’En Peut Plus Du Karma?

… De mi-juin à mi-août 2019, on a la possibilité de larguer tout ou une partie de notre Karma… Nous sommes sur une passerelle où nos choix de pensées et d’actions peuvent tout changer!…

What's Your Security Blanket?

The eclipses are coming… Everything is expanded, the ups and the downs. Our feelings are amplified. There will be more action and re-action. It’s time to be mature and not let our exaggerated emotions and fears ruin the party…

… This July 2 eclipse in Cancer is churning up some of the themes mentioned in my Blog. We are at a turning point and a new beginning with regard to those topics (see Blog)…

From personal experience and observation, I want to call the place in our chart where we have Cancer our “security blanket”

… So, that area is where we feel the most vulnerable, insecure, uncertain, defenseless and it is good to know about it because the more conscious we are of it, the less defensive, on high alert, we will be when feeling threatened…

Quel Est Votre «Doudou»?

Les éclipses arrivent... Tout est exagéré, les hauts et les bas. Nos sentiments sont amplifiés. Il y aura plus d'action et de ré-action. Soyons matures et ne laissons pas nos émotions et nos peurs accentuées gâcher la fête…

… L'éclipse du 2 juillet en Cancer va remuer certaines des thématiques mentionnées dans mon Blog. Nous sommes à un tournant et sur un nouveau départ en ce qui concerne ces questions (voir Blog)...

Mon expérience personnelle et mes observations me conduisent à nommer la Maison astrologique régie par le signe du Cancer, notre «doudou»

… C’est donc dans cette zone «doudou» que nous nous sentons le plus fragile, vulnérable, incertain, sans défense. Il est donc bon de la connaître car plus nous en sommes conscients, moins nous serons sur la défensive et en état d’alerte lorsque nous nous sentirons menacés…

"Ask and You Shall Receive."

We are in a portal period when the veil between the seen and the unseen, the material and the spiritual, the here and the beyond, is very thin…

… In this moment, we can plant seeds in the etheric sphere, where everything starts, because our world is an energetic one. We can rejoice in our wish being already granted in the energy field and celebrate. Let’s hold on to the vibration of gratitude and feel the emotion we would be feeling if our wish were to come true. With time, we will attract a concrete reality (unknown to us now) that will be the best match to the chosen feelings…

"Demande et tu Recevras"

Nous sommes dans une période où le voile entre le visible et l'invisible, le matériel et le spirituel, ici et l'au-delà, est très mince…

… Ces jours ci, nous pouvons planter des graines dans la sphère éthérique, où tout commence, car notre monde est énergie. Nous pouvons nous réjouir à l'avance que nos souhaits soient exaucés au niveau énergétique et célébrer cela. Restons sur la vibration de la gratitude et ressentons l’émotion que nous ressentirions si notre souhait était déjà réalisé. Avec le temps, nous attirerons une réalité concrète (pas encore connue) qui correspondra parfaitement à l'état émotionnel que nous choisissons de vivre dès maintenant…

"It's not the load that breaks you, it's how you carry it." Lou Holtz

Introducing Present Moment Astrology quotes, where I share inspirational words that resonate with the Cosmic context of the day. I occasionally will choose certain quotes to illustrate the nature, quality of the current period’s energy.

We are still in a very intense eclipse cycle that will be felt into February. I found this quote helpful this morning, so I thought to share.

Deus Ex Eclipse, a miracle can still happen!

I love, love, love this photo! I could not find a better one to illustrate the mood of the moment, the atmosphere felt by many of us these days. Black or white, yin or yang, all or nothing, a time for extremes, hence simultaneously, a desperate need for a break, retreat, respite. Many of us are exhausted and want to bury our head in the snow too… Some of us are tired of waiting for our sustained efforts over weeks and months to pan out. We now demand a breakthrough but feel like letting ourselves have a breakdown instead. However, the current go go go energy pushes us, supports us and we persevere as we are guessing the light is at the end of the tunnel. And yes! the eclipse will bring results! will bring the unhoped for last minute miracle!

Thank you!

On this glorious Total Lunar Eclipse day, embrace Life and Enjoy all the little things. There is no sand left on the other side of this wall (in the photo), the beach is gone! but look at the amazing shot I took, observing the strong surf and how the bird was avoiding getting wet, to finally take his flight!

There is always rebirth! The sand will come back, surprisingly faster than it looks. In the last 6 years I have lived here, I have seen the beach miraculously come back, over and over.

Know thySelf. The guy in the photo knows who he is!

The elevated vibration available at the moment facilitates the manifestation of the events we have been preparing and hoping for. However, the waiting and the not knowing… before it happens, often suddenly, before the release and relief, can be beyond stressful. The seeds we planted six months ago, at the last eclipses (July/August 2018), should show some results now. We should get resolution and a reward for all the past efforts of the last two years and particularly since this past summer.

Who am I? How can I shine bright?

The entire Eclipse cycle we are in (all of January and the beginning of February, 2019) is highly charged and perhaps stressful, but it is a cosmic gift as well. Some of us are looking at this time period as challenging but also a blessing in disguise.

To be healthy and shine our Light, we must first and foremost be aligned with our HigherSelf. Let’s remember that we are spiritual beings having a human experience, not the other way around (humans having a spiritual experience). How do we know we are connected to our own energy and not to someone else’s? We are in resonance with Self when we feel confident and at peace, no matter the situation.

Now is the time to BE HERE & NOW!

Much can be accomplished with this go go go energy and that is generally viewed as very positive, but it may be too much for some of us. We must be attending to our health and take moments of rest. At times, we must cut with everything and rejuvenate or we are going to crash. We all know how to press the pause button… exercise, take a walk in nature, meditate, breathe deeply, yawn, smile, stretch, power nap, sleep etc.