Thank you!
Thank you to the many of you who have subscribed, through my website, to receive my blog directly into your mailbox :-)
Do not worry, you will not be overwhelmed by too many posts. I follow my intuition and only write when there is much to say, when the Heavens are super active with significantly charged events. It just so happens to be that it has been nuts the last few months…
I look forward to your feedback and a conversation :-)
In the meanwhile, on this glorious Total Lunar Eclipse day, embrace Life and Enjoy all the little things. There is no sand left on the other side of this wall (in the photo), the beach is gone! but look at the amazing shot I took, observing the strong surf and how the bird was avoiding getting wet, to finally take his flight!
There is always rebirth! The sand will come back, surprisingly faster than it looks. In the last 6 years I have lived here, I have seen the beach miraculously come back, over and over.
Some of us are in pain, some days feel dark and heavy (and we have not even yet opened the news!). Some days feel light and full of vitality. Some of this may be due to inner life and outer life events, but also weather, solar flares activity, and our Cosmic weather. It is what it is… and we “weather” through it the best we can. Here are some broad practical tips, in no particular order:
drinking lots of water
eating healthy
conscious slow breathing
talking with a good friend
smelling calming essential oils or wonderful natural fragrances (I still have my real Xmas tree up for that reason, I know, it’s crazy, but I don’t care, it makes us feel good, so where is the problem?)
going for a walk in nature
caressing your pet
feeling grateful for something…
We all know how to take good care of ourselves but a reminder cannot hurt, have a Happy Eclipse day!
Thank you. I choose to smile. All my love, Corinne Cévaër-Corey
Ethical Astrologer and founder of CorAwakening
Photo taken by Corinne Cevaer-Corey