All in Astrology

Thank you!

On this glorious Total Lunar Eclipse day, embrace Life and Enjoy all the little things. There is no sand left on the other side of this wall (in the photo), the beach is gone! but look at the amazing shot I took, observing the strong surf and how the bird was avoiding getting wet, to finally take his flight!

There is always rebirth! The sand will come back, surprisingly faster than it looks. In the last 6 years I have lived here, I have seen the beach miraculously come back, over and over.

Know thySelf. The guy in the photo knows who he is!

The elevated vibration available at the moment facilitates the manifestation of the events we have been preparing and hoping for. However, the waiting and the not knowing… before it happens, often suddenly, before the release and relief, can be beyond stressful. The seeds we planted six months ago, at the last eclipses (July/August 2018), should show some results now. We should get resolution and a reward for all the past efforts of the last two years and particularly since this past summer.

Who am I? How can I shine bright?

The entire Eclipse cycle we are in (all of January and the beginning of February, 2019) is highly charged and perhaps stressful, but it is a cosmic gift as well. Some of us are looking at this time period as challenging but also a blessing in disguise.

To be healthy and shine our Light, we must first and foremost be aligned with our HigherSelf. Let’s remember that we are spiritual beings having a human experience, not the other way around (humans having a spiritual experience). How do we know we are connected to our own energy and not to someone else’s? We are in resonance with Self when we feel confident and at peace, no matter the situation.

Now is the time to BE HERE & NOW!

Much can be accomplished with this go go go energy and that is generally viewed as very positive, but it may be too much for some of us. We must be attending to our health and take moments of rest. At times, we must cut with everything and rejuvenate or we are going to crash. We all know how to press the pause button… exercise, take a walk in nature, meditate, breathe deeply, yawn, smile, stretch, power nap, sleep etc.

The Eclipse is here. Let’s set ourselves up for success in 2019!

This weekend, there is a Solar Eclipse (Potent New Moon) coupled with a Uranus Station. The Universe is giving us a chance, the next few days, to focus on creating a fresh start, on a renewed foundation.

It is imperative our thoughts stay optimistic as we are setting intentions and planting new seeds. It is critical we stay open to shifts in possibilities and opportunities.

Our present emotional state will shape the tone for the rest of the year, hence my stressing the vital importance to monitor our current feelings. We can control our emotions by consciously directing our thoughts, smiling, breathing deeply, yawning, and taking physical power poses.

Let’s set ourselves up for success in 2019!

The present Eclipse Portal moment is the door to all moments...

We are in a very special time where the quality of our thoughts matters greatly as they have more resonance right now, more power to become reality. The expression, "Be careful what you wish for; you just might get it" applies perfectly here. It is very important that we be mindful of the vibration we are creating and spreading around. The Solar Eclipse of Jan 5/6 gives us the opportunity for a magnificent and potent new beginning. Let’s embrace this wondrous new path that is opening up for us, that is being facilitated during this highly charged gateway period we are in.